Over the weekend I was challenged to do my Level II military press on camera with precision. In order to pass a level II kettlebell certification as a woman, you must execute a 1/3 body weight strict military press. My testing weight for my certification was a 20kg bell, which is 44 pounds (side note: if you ever need to convert kilograms to pounds take the weight in kilos and multiply it by 2.2 and presto! You have the poundage. I get asked about this conversion all the time so it’s worth noting 😉 ). Now, I have pressed the 24kg in my past as well as the 26kg as well. Last July I was testing out my 28kg press which seemed a . . little. . well. . .difficult. I’m one for refining the lifts that looked a bit shay, so this Sunday, I decided to spend some time practicing this press to make it look fluid, solid, and for lack of a better word, good. Once you have a goal in mind that you want to achieve, it only ever takes persistence, patience, and practice to make that dream a reality.
The result? Something to the tune of this!
Holy. . . .@#$%! And on that note, cue the light bulb moment.
I set a goal a while back to nail that 24kg pull up. I hit it in practice prior to my RKC II event back in October but alas, missed that darn thing by a centimeter (eff you centimeter!). I decided to shut down my Iron Maiden training after the certification to just let my body take a breather and get my head together for the volume of training I would get back to. Thing is. . .I took a little too much time off from October through December and woke up January 1st wondering when I would start back up on that sort of practice. There was some self-doubt that had unfortunately crept into my Burgher Brain, and I think I taking too much time off the training allowed those doubting feelings and thoughts fester all through my head. Sunday, this press happened, and I was reminded that I got stronger yet. I got to thinking about my pull up, and realized that hey! If I really AM just a centimeter away, then I can refine that lift that was previously missed and get that lat little pull through persistence, patience, and practice.
I’m back on my game and I will stay the course, no matter what! I’ve called this year of 2015Â the “year of the strongs”, and with all I’ve said about my personal goals, I want to hear from you all. What’s your goal for 2015? What lift do you want to nail? What sort of feat are you training for? Spread the word and let me know about your training by using the hashtag #yearofthestrongs on facebook, twitter, and instagram. Let’s all get stronger in 2015 and encourage each other through it all!
Spread the word! 2015 is the #yearofthestrongs ! Share what you’re up to and make your dreams a reality! Until next time. . .
Master your instincts!