Happy Monday everyone! I hope you are all excited for the upcoming week and are ready to get back into the swing of things fitness wise (no pun intended. I swear! 😉 ) Last week I really wasn’t engaged in much exercise as I was still in recovery mode from RKC Vienna. To be completely honest, I really didnt’ do much but eat, sleep, eat some more, and did I mention sleep? My week-long break has officially come to an end and it’s time to get back into my conditioned self.
Since I had trained hard for a good number of months leading up to RKC Vienna, I decided to slowly integrate my training back with the a routine that is as basic as basic can get…but HIGHLY EFFECTIVE! Today, I’m starting things back up again with the RKS System, and I wanted to talk about why I like this system and why you should like it too 😉
Spending hours on the treadmill and getting with no results? Give RKS Workout a try.
All joking aside, I am impressed with what this program has repeatedly done for me in terms of my strength and conditioning. First of all, the workouts are short, quick and dirty (I say dirty because they are demanding workouts. Don’t let the term “basic” fool you. This is a serious training program!). The average workout from start to finish ranges from 15 minutes to 30 minutes . Not only that, these workouts are incredibly effective if you’re looking to tone up your body in 30 days (yup. just ONE month to reach your desired looking you!). Why spend hours a day in a gym when you can pop in a video at home and be done in as little as 15 minutes? Timing is everything after all! 🙂
The other thing I LOVE about this system is that it comes with an instructional DVD that outlines all the basic kettlebell movements you will need to know for the program. It offers corrective tips on the form and gives you solid advice on how to progress to different lifts (as an example, there is a clear progression from the one arm swing to the high pull to the snatch. This is incredibly vital for performing exercise sets properly with minimal risk of injury). This makes the system perfect  for beginners that are brand new to the world of kettlebells!
Finally, the system delivers! When I first started up my kettlebell routine I used this system to help get me back in shape. Granted, I didn’t have a ton of weight to lose at the time, but I DID shed off an unwanted 6 pounds within that 30 days. Typical results range anywhere from 15-30 pounds in the 30 day period. Don’t believe me? Check out some of the testimonials for yourself!
Learn what others are saying about how the RKS Workout unleashed the body within for them
Did I mention the people of RKS will also send you a kettlebell along with this set? I kid you not! And said kettlebell is…FREE! So, what are yinz waiting for? If you are looking for something to help ease your way back into training or if you’re a complete newbie to kettlebell training, be sure to pick up your copy of the RKS Kettlebell System. Results are guaranteed! Believe me, you won’t be disappointed!
As always, remember to eat smart, train hard, and enjoy your life!
Love Always,
Janelle Pica-RKC
Get started on your new body today with 10% off RKS Workout kit. Includes kettlebell. Code save10