I am keeping this post short, simple, and to the point. BUT OH MAN GUYS!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! IT’S OFFICIAL! The Hard-style Kettlebell Challenge has made it’s way to Pittsburgh, and yours truly is heading out for her certification on September 15th, 2012! All the training I have done this far has certainly paid off in terms of my own strength and endurance gains. I am snatching a 16 kg kettlebell and completing my RKC endurance tests in record time. Those of you who follow this blog and my facebook/twitter updates know how hard I train, and I can only hope that all this hard, and often grueling work will lead me to my entry level certification through Dragon Door. I am honored to be participating in this certification process, but notably nervous (not going to lie here).
With that said though, I want to invite you all to join the challenge with me! If you live near the Pittsburgh, PA area and would like to join me in getting certified, please register through Dragon Door by clicking the link below!
HKC Certification, Pittsburgh PA: September 15th from 8:00 am until 5:00 p.m.
I might want to add that you will be able to meet Master Level RKC Brett Jones at this event. Master RKC Brett Jones is a fellow Burgher who also operates his own fitness blog at Applied Strength. Also, I want to add that my trainer, RKC II Kerry Swick will be at this event as well. The Hard-style Russian Kettlebell Certificaiton will take place a Pittsburgh Kettlebells and will run from 8:00 am until 5:00 p.m. Come ready to train hard with me! And hey, let’s enjoy the journey to our HKC certification together! I know we will all learn a ton that day!
Again, if you haven’t registered yet for HKC Pittsburgh, please do so today by visitng Dragon Door! I hope to see you there!!!
Until then, eat smart, train hard and enjoy your life!
Love always,