Over the weekend I was graced by the presence of a good many of my old college friends at Saint Vincent College. I graduated back in 2009 and soon found kettlebell and body weight training during my graduate work. While I never truly intended to start up a fitness business, I was given some deep seeded passion for wanting to become healthier in my own right. Over time, the love for pull ups and kettlebell swings would become a career path for me that has given me sound rewards beyond my own physical fitness. I was reminded of how fortunate of a life I have now this weekend at Saint Vincent Homecoming. A dear friend of mine said it quite well.
“You never gave up! You made it happen! You’re an inspiration to us all!”
That whole weekend made me realize something that translates to you all out there, reading this post. Whether your a client of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh or someone who is looking for the motivation to get started with a fitness routine in general, there is something to be said about becoming the best you that you can be. There is one thing, and perhaps ONLY one thing separating you from where you are now and where you want to be in the future. That one thing is something that is often refereed to as false evidence appearing real.
Life isn’t easy. We may find ourselves in situations that seem so overwhelming that we feel helpless and incapable of finding a way out. Trust me. I know what that feels like. But I think the most important thing we should realize is that this fear thing. . .it really is just an emotional response to stressful circumstances we meet with face to face. When you can gain control of those thoughts, those fearful emotions, and focus on the goal you wish to achieve regardless of your circumstances, something truly amazing happens. You’re able to gain incredible strength simply by dis-empowering negative thoughts and fears that stop you form moving forward.
Here’s a real life scenario from some hardstyle training of mine. Over the past 12 weeks I have been in and out of physical therapy and some serious massage work while training for a sizable pull up lift for the Iron Maiden Challenge. At first, it all seemed impossible and I was truly frustrated with my lack of progress and set backs I was seeing in the middle of my training. My coach would eventually tell me that the moment a negative thought becomes real in the middle of serious strength training, the fight is over. Visualizing the success regardless of where I was in my training at the time, THAT was what would make or break me she said. And coach. . . well. . . she was dead right. I kept up with my therapy sessions. Trained slowly and steadily according to my coaches program. After months of working on this dead hang lift, it happened. It happened just last Friday.
Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain strength, or just live a life filled with vibrant health, the only thing stopping you from achieving those things is fear. Fear is nothing but an emotion that we can easily disengage by the power of our own thoughts. We have the ability to choose how we react to our circumstances. We can choose to believe we cannot, or we can choose to believe we can, we will, and we DID 😉 . Becoming your impeccable self requires only the ability to learn what it takes to reach your desired self. If you can believe it, you will be able to see that thing, whatever that thing may be, come to full fruition.
When you overcome your fears and become the impeccable you, people will follow you. You will be stopped in public and praised for never giving up, making the big things happen, and inspiring so many other people in all that you do 🙂
Until next time. . .
Master your instincts!