Back in May, I launched a program that was titled “The Bridge of Strength and Endurance”. At the time, I had just completed two big fitness events back to back. Event number one was my Strong First Level 2 Kettlebell Certification, and the second event was the X-Man obstacle race in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Both events required a ton of strength and endurance. Level 2 Strong first was a 2 day event that required 8-10 hours worth of lifting. The X Man Race required speed, stamina, and a lot of strength in it of itself to climb over, jump over, crawl around and under the number of obstacles it contained.
Since the release of that test program, I have re-written the protocol and have tested a similar program on the tough courses of the Spartan Race, most notably the recent sprint I completed in Pittsburgh. Just like the X Man race, the strength and conditioning protocols I was training under gave me enough stamina, endurance, and power to finish the course in just under two hours (my official time was 1 hour ad 56 minutes for the Spartan Sprint).
A kettlebell instructor friend of mine, a man who I actually did my level 2 certification with in Chicago, saw my times when I posted them on facebook from the recent Spartan Sprint. The man has done multiple Spartan Races, most notably one of the toughest ones you can do, the Spartan Beast in Vermont. “You know” he said. “Your time is by no means an elite level time, but you are at a solid time to train to compete. I have a challenge for you if you are up for it. Train to compete. Test your limits and help others test theirs. You’ll learn a lot about yourself, and how effective the programming of yours truly is in the end. ”
Challenge accepted, but there is a bit more work to be done here, dear reader.
I need your help!
The Bridge of Strength and Endurance: Beta Test Program Volume 2
I am looking for 14 people to test the newly updated strength and endurance program, and I will personally coach you through this program every step of the way. This is a 4 week kettlebell training program and you must be able to commit to 4-5 days worth of training during these 4 weeks. You also should have a basic understanding of the fundamental kettlebell lifts (i.e. swings, get ups, presses, cleans and squats). Expect to get leaner, faster and stronger than you ever though possible with this program!
Here’s what to expect when you register for this brand new training program:
Itemized Strength training to facilitate grip strength and upper body strength, while simultaneously increasing your overall endurance.
A No B.S. food guide to maximize your strength and endurance goals.
Weekly coaching calls with yours truly to track your progress
Access to our online coaching forum on facebook.
I’m letting this all go for just $97. You can register today by clicking the payment link below. This program kicks off on November 7th so don’t delay! Register today!
Let’s do the thing! Thanks everyone! Press on!