Primal Fitness Pittsburgh is OPEN!!!!!!! Welcome back to more swinging fun on the blog this week! I am happy to announce that Primal Fitness Pittsburgh is up and running and group training started off with a bang! (or should I say a swing ;)) . I wanted to kick start the week here by focusing […]
The Double Kettlebell Clean and Jerk
We made it to the last of our three part series on advanced kettlebell lifting. Today, it’s all about the Clean and Jerk! Now, I have a confession to make. I used to HATE this lift and would complain to my friends about just how terrible this lift felt on my back. After working with […]
Advanced Kettlebell Lifts: The Double Military Press, The Double Push Press, and The Double Clean and Jerk
For those of you who know how much I love three part series on the blog….well….get ready for another three part series on the blog 😉 I wanted to take some time to discuss some of the more advanced kettlebell lifts in order give you all an idea of the more technical lifts associated with […]
The Paleo and The Not-So-Paleo: Finding What Works Best for YOU!
I have wanted to tackle this nutritional subject matter for quite some time. Over the years, I have gained popularity for promoting the paleo/primal eating style as a way for me to maintain my physique, keep my autoimmune condition at bay, and perform at my peak when it comes to my athletic goals. I have […]
Rehabbing an Injury and How to Avoid Injury Altogether: Volume 3
Happy Friday everyone! If you have been following along with this three part series on relieving pain, welcome to the final installment. In case you missed that last two posts, please read them here and here to find out how you can work through a lot of pain that can build up from kettlebell and […]
Rehabbing An Injury and How To Avoid Injury Altogether: Volume 2
Welcome back to the blog! If you tuned in on Monday, you probably read a tale of how yours truly strained her pectoral and lat muscles to the point of serious pain and restriction. If you missed it, feel free to read about that injury here. All agony aside though, we also talked about how […]
Rehabbing An Injury and How To Avoid Injury Altogether: Volume 1
On Christmas Eve I decided to do a particularly demanding double kettlebell routine. That shouldn’t sound too shocking as I have been doing my part here, studying up on advanced lifting techniques and following some truly sinister work recommended to me by my colleagues. After nearly the first three weeks of my training cycle, I […]
45 Minutes a Week: How to Condense Training Time for Maximum Strength Gains
I know what you’re thinking. “Just how in the world can you expect to get stronger, leaner, and healthier by spending less time working out? ” If it seems impossible, let this blog post serve to show you all that yes, indeed, you CAN workout as little as 45 minutes per week (not per day, […]
Jingle (Kettle)Bells! A Fun Double Kettlebell Workout!
If you follow me on Instagram, you are probably familiar with my frequent visits to Frick Park, right here in the East Side of Pittsburgh. Not only is this local park one of the most beautiful nature reserves local to Pittsburgh, it also has oodles of space to make for some fun workouts. I love being […]
The “American” vs “Russian” Kettlebell Swing: Thoughts, Considerations, and Why The Distinction Matters
I was completely unaware that there was a lift being referred to as a kettlebell swing that was, in my honest and professional opinion, not a kettlebell swing at all. This weekend, I saw before my very own eyes something being taught as a kettlebell swing which, to get super nitpicky and technical, is actually […]