It’s August 15th, and by this time next month, HKC Pittsburgh will be taking place at Pittsburgh Kettlebells. I am excited, thrilled, and anxiously awaiting this day that will go down as a day in Kettlebell History for yours truly. This entry level certification means the world to me, and I wanted to take the time today to talk about what it means to be a Certified Hardstyle Kettlebell Instructor through Dragon Door.
As a Hardstyle Kettlebell Instructor, you will learn the essentials of the foundational exercises of kettlebell training (the swing, goblet squat, and Turkish get up) as well as how to teach others how to properly execute basic kettlebell drills. You will also learn how to adapt kettlebell training for clients who may have back problems and how to identify and correct common “beginners mistakes” when coaching someone new to kettlebell training. There is also a strength test HKC candidates must pass in order to be certified. The strength test is based on the strength test set for the U.S. Marine Corps. Here are the requirements for the strength test below (note: this is taken straight from the HKC certification page of Men will perform the pull up/chin up test while woman will complete the flexed arm hang test.)
(2) Assistance to the bar with a step up, being lifted up, or jumping up is authorized. Any assistance up to the bar will not be used to continue into the first pullup/chinup.
(3) The bar must be grasped with both palms facing either forward or to the rear.
(4) The correct starting position begins when the student’s arms are fully extended beneath the bar, feet are free from touching the ground or any bar mounting assist, and the body is motionless.
(5) The student’s legs may be positioned in a straight or bent position, but may not be raised above the waist.
(6) One repetition consists of raising the body with the arms until the chin is above the bar, and then lowering the body until the arms are fully extended; repeat the exercise. At no time during the execution of this event can a student rest his chin on the bar.
(7) The intent is to execute a vertical “dead hang” pullup/chinup. A certain amount of inherent body movement will occur as the pullup/chinup is executed. However, the intent is to avoid a pendulum-like motion that enhances the ability to execute the pullup/chinup. Whipping, kicking, kipping of the body or legs, or any leg movement used to assist in the vertical progression of the pullup/chinup is not authorized. If observed, the repetition will not count for score.
(8) A repetition will be counted when an accurate and complete pullup is performed.
(9) Gloves, chalk, or other grip aids are not allowed.
(1) Assistance to the bar with a step up, being lifted up, or jumping up to the start position is authorized.
(2) The bar must be grasped with both palms facing either forward or to the rear.
(3) The correct starting position begins when the student’s arms are flexed at the elbow, the chin is held above the bar and not touching it, and the body is motionless. At no time during the execution of this event can a student rest her chin on the bar.
(4) The clock stops as soon as the student’s chin is no longer above the bar.
(5) Gloves, chalk, or other grip aids are not allowed.
As you can tell, this certification isn’t a joke. This is a serious certification meant for those who are willing to teach others the essentials of strength training. I have worked with some of the best trainers in the industry to prepare for this certification, so you can bet your butt I don’t take this opportunity lightly. For that matter, neither should you. TRAIN HARD!
Comrades, the time has come for us all to get prepared for September 15th, 2012. If you are attending HKC Pittsburgh, be ready to master the basics of kettlebell fitness and learn the essentials of strength from Master RKC Brett Jones. If you have not registered yet for HKC Pittsburgh, please do so today! After August 18th, tuition will increase from $499.00 to $599.00. Don’t delay! Register today for HKC Pittsburgh!
I hope to see you all there!
That’s it for me today! Remember to eat smart, train hard, and enjoy your life!
Love Always,