I would like to take the time today to personally thank everyone that signed up for our Powerful Pressing Beta test program. About four weeks ago, we asked a number of people to test try a kettlebell military press program that was designed by yours truly, Janelle, owner of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh. We’ve worked with a number of men and women, fitness professionals and novice liters who were all on a quest to get stronger and master their 1 rep max kettlebell press. I am happy to report that just four short weeks, serious personal records were set for not just our trainees, but even for myself personally. I’m not going to fluff up today’s post with too much talking, but I will be showing some seriously epic pressing! Let’s get this party started!
Geraldine Perez- Age: 33, Female, NASM CPT, KBA Level 1. Geraldine was unable to press a 16kg on both sides. Her left arm previously gave her trouble. Within 4 weeks of the Powerful Pressing Program, she was finally able to press the 16kg with ease on both sides.
Bonnie Lang: 29, Female, ACSM Personal Trainer, TRX Suspension trainer and Rip Trainer Certified. No previous kettlebell certifications but solid experience with the weights. She had struggled with her 16kg press prior to this program, but after 4 weeks pressed a 16kg with ease on both sides AND a single arm 20kg press, which was a new record for her. HOLLA!
The incredible @bonnielangfitness presses the 16kg and the 20kg with ease. She got a bit stuck on her left side with the 20kg but that’s some serious progress. The #powerfulpressing program truly does work. So proud of this woman! She’s going to get that left side stronger soon! I know it! #powerfulpressing #kettlebells @primalfitpitt A video posted by PrimalBurgher (@primalburgher) on
Last but not least, I decided to run myself through my own pressing program. I always had a goal of reaching a double 28kg Military Press. After four weeks on my own program, I was able to hit it with ease, which at 5’3” is pretty darn impressive if I do say so myself.
In the coming months, Primal Fitness Pittsburgh will be releasing the official Powerful Pressing Program to the public. I am personally very excited to help all the more people become stronger than they thought possible and we as a group are excited to launch this truly incredible program to the masses! Way to go to our beta testers and our group here at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh! You all did so well!
Have a great rest of the week folks! Until next time. .
Master your instincts!