Happy Thursday to yinz 😉 Hey folks! It’s been a while since we got a truly kick ass routine on the blog. Our clients in our power training course specifically have been increasing their personal level of badassery at an exponential rate and the routine they all did last week deserves some serious attention 😀 […]
“Do or Do Not. There is No Try.”
I had a major epiphany, and that epiphany was that I was not doing what I sought out to do for my own health and wellness. Shocking, I know, especially coming from a fitness professional like myself. You’d think the hardcore kettlebellig and calisthenic aficionado would OWN everything single one her healthy habits. For the […]
Ask the Instructor: The Volume of Your Training and Why That Matters for Strength
Welcome to another ask the instructor blog post! This post is dedicated to the discussion of volume in your training programs and WHY that matters in order to gain serious strength. Over the past few weeks I have been asked about my own take on total work volume and how that plays into the intensity […]
A Powerful Press with 1 Simple Stretch
A few weeks ago at our Kettlebell Course in Pittsburgh, my instructor friends and I had spent a lot of time discussing the role of “linkage” when it comes a heavy 1 arm military press. This “linkage” topic was really related to how well your body is moving under the load of a seriously sizable […]
Announcing the Winner of our January Kettlebell Giveaway
Happy Friday everyone! We have so many announcements happening here this week for the facility I almost can’t contain all the awesome! We are wrapping up this week of awesome (forgive the redundancy) with one last HOLLA to one of our clients here at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh. If you’re on our mailing list, you may […]
2015: The Year of the Strongs!
Over the weekend I was challenged to do my Level II military press on camera with precision. In order to pass a level II kettlebell certification as a woman, you must execute a 1/3 body weight strict military press. My testing weight for my certification was a 20kg bell, which is 44 pounds (side note: […]
Tension Training for Pull Up Mastery: It Ain’t All in Your Traps!
I was given a task about three months ago to help Ryan Williams, our newest trainer at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, to master his pull ups that he was having difficulty with at the time. During our first session, I noticed that much of Ryan’s pulling came directly from his trap muscles. Over the course of […]