One of my private clients here in the Burgh is training for here level 1 RKC. On her first evaluation with me, we tested the 5 minute snatch test per the testing standards. When you train for a kettlebell certification, one of the testing standards is to do 100 reps of snatches at specific weight […]
Living Life on Purpose: 3 Questions You Must Answer To Live Your Dreams
I came back home from the Radiance Retreat this year with a new lease on life. Literally. For those of you in the Greater City of Pittsburgh and all of my fans across the globe, you may have seen the news on two fronts. 1. My little South Side Small Group is closing up for […]
Primal Fitness Pittsburgh South Side VIP Program
WE’RE MOVING TO THE SOUTH SIDE! ! It’s exciting and I can’t wait for everyone to start swinging bells with me on May 4th. It’s been a long road considering we had to move out of our own digs in a week and essentially “recreate” Primal Fitness Pittsburgh from the ground up. But, all of […]
Welcome to a New Era of Strength!
It’s been nearly 4 years since I have been blogging my way through the internet talking about all things related to healthy eating, strength training, and living life to the fullest in Pittsburgh, the city I love so much. What started as a quirky blog called “The Primal Burgher” quickly evolved into something much more refined, powerful, and for […]
All About the Squat- Daniel Byrnes
I love squatting. Goblet squats open up your hips, single & double (kettlebell or barbell) front squats build posture and abbies, and overhead squats, well, they’re miserable. And the squat snatch? That’s miserable and scary. I’m more of a squat clean guy when it comes to the Oly lifts. You can’t drop the bar on […]
Spring into Strength
Pittsburgh is about to get stronger! Primal Fitness Pittsburgh is excited to announce that we are pressing forward (literally speaking) into our very first written program. In as little as 4 weeks, you can see MASSIVE and DRAMATIC strength gains while simultaneously getting leaner. The only catch is WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our publication to […]
3 Steps to an Effing Awesome Military Press!
I love nothing more than heavy military presses. As a 5’3” female, I have successfully worked my way up to a 28kg kilogram , single arm military press (which is roughly a 62 pound lift with one arm, which is nearly half my body weight). I have this whole heavy pressing thing down to a […]
Got 15 Minutes? A Short, Quick, and BRUTAL Body Weight and Kettlebell Routine
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for some hard and long training sessions when time permits, but hey! It’s almost Thanksgiving and we are have a lot of family gatherings to attend to and meal prepping to get done. If you find yourself more strapped for time than before, FEAR NOT! Check out this […]
Beast of the Month: David Vesely
It’s been a while since we had a featured story on the blog from one of our own members. Today, I wanted to give the much deserved attention to a man that is now 1,000 times stronger than he ever thought and a man that has been following me personally since my original blog launched […]