Happy Friday Everyone!
After wrapping up my top 5 favorite things that I love about kettlebells, I wanted to hand you all off with a kettlebell and body weight routine that my small group participants got to test out last week. In our resistance and skill training course, small group participants get the added bonus of hard-style kettlebell training combined with calisthenic work. The feedback I have received form this routine has been great, and I believe that the popularity of this routine goes hand in hand with the level of difficulty with this program. That being said, keep on reading to find out how a pair of kettlebells and one fast and effective body weight exercise can be used for a short and quick workout that will truly ignite your metabolism!
The Scorcher
Directions: grab two light kettlebells. Ladies, I recommend two 8kgs or two 10 kgs. Men, two 12kg or two 16kgs. The volume on this workout is SIGNIFICANT! This routine will literally scorch any last remnants of body fat off your body. For real! Set your timer for 20 minutes and perform the following exercise set as many times as you can in 20 minutes.
20 double kettlebell swings
15 burpees
10 double kettlebell swings
5 burpees
5 double kettlebell swings
10 burpees
15 double kettlebell swings
20 burpees.
Yes! That ENTIRE THING is 1 total round. No! This is NOT a joke! You will be stacking your swings and burpees in a manner where the exercises switch as you go back up this ladder. Rest only as much as you need to and push yourself to your limits! Expect to be very hungry after this routine! 😉
Have a great weekend everyone! Until next time. . .
Master your instincts!
Janelle Pica, RKC and Primal Move Instructor