Round of applause for those of you who caught the 1990’s Coolio reference 😉 . In case you have no idea what I am talking about, this song was the reason I decided to do a three-part series on the turkish get up. I know…I’m a goof ball! But HEY! The Turkish get up is a super technical move, but is also super fun! Why not pick it apart so you can master it for yourself?
I have received a ton of client inquiries lately about how to properly practice the Turkish get up. The Turkish get up demands full body coordination as you start lifting a kettlebell while lying on your back and move towards an overhead lock out position standing upright. I am a huge advocate of training hard, but I also believe in training SMART, and with this particular lift, we have to make sure all our kinetic check points are in line. When learning a technical lift such as the Turkish get up, it is imperative to start learning the maneuvers of the move with no other resistance but your own body weight. With that in mind, please view the video below to understand how to practice the Turkish Get up form the ground up using just your body weight.
On Wednesday I will be discussing the next progression to learning how to master the get up, which involves using your own show (stay with me here, I assure you this will all make sense by the end of the week!). Until then, practice the get up and get down and let me know how your making progress!
In case you missed it last week, our Turkish Get Up program kicks of April 3rd, 2017! Get the details, and rise into a new season of strength by clicking this link!
Let nothing stand in your way! Register today for just $47! Rise up for the next 4 weeks of awesome! Unleash the stronger, healthier, EMPOWERED you and become a kettlebell force to be reckoned with!