A few weeks ago at our Kettlebell Course in Pittsburgh, my instructor friends and I had spent a lot of time discussing the role of “linkage” when it comes a heavy 1 arm military press. This “linkage” topic was really related to how well your body is moving under the load of a seriously sizable kettlebell. If your body is out of synch due to injury and/or overuse and you find yourself getting all “jammed up” in your shoulders, this simple yet super effective stretch will do just the trick to help you press heavy.
First, let’s talk about what can go wrong with the body when you’re on a heavy pressing routine before we talk about correcting it.
It goes without saying that the heavier you press, the more likely you are to experience something I like to call “the twinge” in the back. Tight traps, tight lats, and an ever increasing pressure in your delts are enough to kill your pressing strength and limit your overall range of motion. These days I am a HUGE stickler for mobility and stability work, and I’ve itemized what to do to recover from a seriously high volume routine so well it’s become a science. That being said, if you’ve dialed in your arm bars and halos, been consistent on your ground floor and PVC t spine mobility drills and still suffer from some stiffness between your shoulders blades, be sure to check out this video on yet another incredible PVC pipe drill that will release a lot of tension built up into your back and shoulders. Trust me on this! The drill below will REALLY make a difference in your pressing strength.
Thanks for visiting the blog today. If you’re curious about our upcoming pressing routine and still want your chance to get into the fun, please send me an email at [email protected] and I’ll be sure to hook you up! That’s it for today folks! Until next time. . .
Master your instincts!