During the month of June, the clients at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh competed for a set of two Dragon Door kettlebells. The kettlebell giveaway was part of our summer slim down challenge where the clients of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh worked to change their overall body composition. While the winner of the challenge had already been announced, the overall success of this particular client has been too great to deny here an encore blog post.
Mary Davidson Williams was one of the very first clients that stepped inside of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh when it opened in February. For her, it all began with our kick start Beta Test that gave her an initial jump start to her body. Mary quickly fell in love with kettlebell training and she often told me that this new found passion of hers gave her the confidence she needed to tackle all of life’s challenges. Mary was kind enough to submit a phenomenal review of the training programs at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, so I wanted to give her some much deserved praise for all her hard work. Please read her testimonial below.
“I first met Janelle looking for a way to kick myself back into shape. I had absolutely no experience with kettlebell training so I was apprehensive about this new activity. I shouldn’t have worried, Janelle is great at taking something as intimidating as swinging heavy metal and turning it into a fun and approachable exercise. Her guidance, expertise, and motivation have turned me into a full-fledged kettlebell addict. Janelle is meticulous about form and safety, and makes sure that each session builds upon the previous one. In the past six months I’ve made huge strength gains and feel better than ever. Janelle even helped me to fix my diet so I could maximize results and keep my energy up. She leads through example and has a passion that is contagious. If only I could bottle her up and take her with me everywhere – she is the perfect example of a great coach!”

Mary has done an exceptional job here at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh. Last month alone she dropped 6 inches and became strong enough to train with our complexes with double 16kg kettlebells. This just goes to show you that with proper training, smart eating, and accountability, you can achieve that which you set your mind to achieve. Mary, thank you so much for your enthusiasm, your support, and your dedication towards training at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh! You are a great client, and a phenomenal success story! Rock on!
That’s it for today folks. Be on the look out for more success stories like this on the blog in future posts! Until next time. .
Master your instincts!