I was recently asked what it meant to me to be a strong . It was an interesting question, as I never really thought that being strong was something that was so mesmerizing to other people. These days it seems that the fitness industry is all about empowering people to be the strongest versions of themselves, so I honestly can say I didn’t get the hype over why the strength training athlete was such spectacle it the world. I’m not saying that to sound like an a-hole, but I’m an unusual sort of lady who finds that strength training comes quite naturally to me. God blessed me with some freaky genetics, that’s for sure! The thought of being strong. ..well. . .to be frank I never really gave it a second thought at all because of where I am currently in my own athletic career. I realized something though. . .something that got me all choked up when I sat down with my newest female client for our initial intake on her. I found that this whole strength thing. . .it matters. It matters A LOT to people. And when you find out just how much it matters to the people you share your strength with, you realize just how beautiful of a gift you are giving to someone who genuinely needs your help.
I remember the conversation so well. Here I was, sitting with a woman who was well into her 60’s but sought out my help to get stronger as she journeys on towards her later years in life. “I’m not getting any younger” she said, “but when I saw this photo of you getting up off the ground with this big weight above your head. .. I knew that this was EXACTLY what I needed.”
Shocked by the statement, I asked this woman what she meant when she said she new she needed to work with me. Her answer would blow me away.
“I’m sure you get those folks that train with you to lose weight and all, but I’m not one of those types. My goal is to be a strong woman as I continue my life on this earth. When I saw that there was a lady out there teaching people to be strong, I knew I had to work with you because.. .well. . . I haven’t seen any other lady here in the area teach people to be strong. I figure the stronger I am, the more likely I can age gracefully and have some fun while it happens. My goal is to make it past 100 years old you know! And when I saw your picture and how heavy that kettlebell thing looked. . .I just knew you were strong and could help me be strong too! Strength to me means I can enjoy my life and live longer. My life. . .living now. .. and spending as much time with my family as I can with the time I have left. . .that’s what is most important to me.”
I got teary eyed. And. . .I cried a little. Tears of joy 🙂
Nothing really melts my heart more than knowing I am actively being sought after to help other women feel more strong, capable, and young well into their later years. To answer what it means to be strong, well. . . in light of this I would say that strength training to me really has nothing to do with how much weight I can press over my head or what my max pull may be. For me, being strong means having the will and desire to teach others how to be strong themselves. Strength for the avid athlete is often over looked and taken for granted. The reality is that there are so many people out there that see that strength and want to learn how to be that strong so they can live better lives. You may be strong enough to do kettlebell snatches in record time, but are you strong enough to sacrifice your personal time to empower others to be strong, confident, and capable people themselves?
At Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, we take care of each of our clients and teach them the fundamental movement patterns to unleash superior strength. We believe that nurturing people is paramount to their success, and we are seeing the success of our clients each and every day here at the facility. Whether your a hardcore athlete or someone who wants to live long and well, we are dedicated to helping you become the strongest, most capable person you can be! Please feel free to email us at [email protected] to schedule a consultation so you can be a part of an amazing group of people dedicated to lifting people up to new horizons of health!
Until next time. ..
Master your instincts!