CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE! If you have been following this blog from Monday up until now, you have been working hard on your hip hinges, dead lifts, and pendulums swings. The only thing left now to master is the full kettlebell swing. Get ready, because we are going to take a dive right into that today.
Before we get started, I want to make a note that there are a couple “non swinging” exercises I will be going over in this video to aid in your swing. While hip hinging is great to load our hips properly, we also have to work on mastering planks as well as some vertical jumping drills to for our abs to tense up at the top of our swing. Most people have the mistaken notion that a kettlebell swing is a lift with the arms, AND IT IS NOT! In reality, all force is generate in our quads, glutes, hips and core muscles. Take a look at my instruction below and you’ll see exactly what I am talking about.
And that my friends is the be all end all of working on the kettlebell swing! Keep working on your deadlifts and pendulums to really master your form. Form there on out, swing away!
Thanks for taking a look at my beginners basic series guys. If you have any questions about your kettlebell fitness routine, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Remember to eat smart, train hard, and enjoy your life!
Love Always,
Janelle Pica-RKC, NASM CPT