I cannot tell you how often I have heard the phrase “I am stuck” these past few weeks. As a coach, I take that to heart considering it is my job to get you where you want to be physically through eating smart and training even smarter. I can remember a coach of mine a few years back working with me through my own “stuck points”. A few years ago, I was working up to the Iron Maiden Challenge and had to bust through some thought patterns that were leading up to the competition. My coach gave me an assignment. The assignment was to visualize walking through the event, owning every single lift. I was to visualize this for a total of 2 weeks prior to commencing the training for the event. This fostered a hope, a solid belief in me that one day, I would achieve this goal of mine (and I fully intend to do so).
This get’s back to something I have talked about before, which is our success in our own training programs is only limited by what we believe about ourselves. This can be an incredibly liberating thing, as we human beings have incredibly creative minds that can conjure up the very dreams we chase after. This can also be inherently dangerous considering that we can think ourselves down an equally dark path. Thoughts such as “I am not good enough to achieve X” or “I am not worthy enough to have Y” or “I am a failure for Z” will stop ourselves short of achieving the level of health we want to have, or stop us from even taking action towards reframing our lives for the better in the first place.
This brings me to Tony Robbins. Last night I caught wind of an incredibly compelling video in which Tony coaches a man with a speech impediment to talk freely without a single stutter. This goal was achieved in a whopping few minutes. As a coach, Robbins dives into what this man named Rechaud was mentally telling himself about his stutter. Watch the video below for some truly inspiring work. I’ll be circling back to this one in a bit.
The scenario unfolds. Rechaud admits that his stutter was a mechanism to stop his father from beating his mother, a frightening event for a child to witness. The method as a 2 year old worked, but the fearing the worst, and compensating for fearing the worst through long standing and familiar behaviors was stopping Rechaud from unleashing his full potential in his career as an adult. He believed that he was powerless against his stutter, unable to achieve success because he had repeated the same story to himself for decades: he was afraid of his own greatness. He was afraid of what could potentially go wrong if he didn’t intervene.
Think about this in terms of your own training program or overall health goals. Are you stuck, trying to reach a certain personal record but have been blind sided by a fear of failing the lift? Are you stuck, trying to navigate the vast amounts of nutritional information out there to try to find that be-all-end-all diet plan for your body, but for fear of not losing the weight, you stopped yourself dead in your tracks? Have you intervened before you actually found yourself a healthy lifestyle? Most importantly, what is the story you are telling yourself? Is it a happy story? Is it a sad story? And why do you continue to tell yourself this story in the first place? Do you believe you are worth it all?
The Narrative You Tell Yourself Determines Your Reality
Confession: A few weeks ago I had a good friend of mine and former coach visit when I was at one of my lowest emotional points. Having just shifted my focus towards growing my private business line, I found myself having to let go of other ventures that are no longer serving my purpose. The problem: I was stuck in my head for far too long, catching myself in this same sort of internal dialog of Rechaud, hanging on to the memories of what once were that were stoping me from moving forward.
Am I even worthy of my own greatness now? Should I stop everything in it’s tracks before something even worse happens? Have I failed everyone? Have I failed myself? Is this really the end?
Having a friend , or a highly skilled coach, can help reconnect with who you really are, and thereby give you that sense of hope and inspiration to move forward.
“You are a Powerhouse, and because of that you will figure things out, and you will start something brand new.”
For more information on how to tap into your superhuman potential, grab a copy of David Whitley’s “Super Human You” by clicking this link. Remember, the narrative we tell ourselves determines our reality, and we must be ever so mindful of what we are telling ourselves each day. If you found yourself stuck, needing the kind of support to unravel who you really are and how you can be the strongest, healthiest version of yourself, drop me an email at [email protected] to schedule a call or free consultation.
That’s it for today folks!
Press on!