This Fridayy blog post is brought to you by some incredibly competitive trainees. Primal Fitness Pittsburgh is up and running, and looks like we have some serious kettlebell swingers at the facility. I wanted to take some time to discuss the training methodology my test subjects are going through and also let you all know how to take advantage of the new training programs during the grand opening of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh!
First, let’s address the training methodology that my trainees are going through.
Hardstyle Kettlebell Training Meets body Weight Conditioning
There is a principle in fitness that is gaining rapid momentum when it comes to making time efficient workouts. Many of us have been lied to when we were told to do hours upon hours of cardio to help melt those last few pounds off of the body. Long duration cardio may be great for the heart, but it’s incredibly useless when it comes to getting your body lean and strong. In fact, all the high impact running can do a number on our joints. Long cycles of cardio can also elevate stress hormones, causing us to GAIN weight in the long run instead of losing weight. We find ourselves in a pickle having to set aside 1-2 hours a day to exercise when we have high stress jobs, families to feed, business meetings to attend and balancing a social life on top of that. Really, let’s be honest here.
Ain’t nobody got time for that! 😉
Resistance training has been proven to be the most effective way to burn the maximum amount of calories in the shortest amount of time (we’re talking mere minutes a day). What once took us 1-2 hours a day to train for weight loss now only takes about 1-2 hours a week, and that’s at a MAXIMUM. Using the iron gym, the Russian Kettlebell, and the force of our own bodies, you will find that working out is fast, efficient, and ever more intense. The three-week training cycle my beta testers are doing is a based on a 4-day training week. Each week the workouts become longer and more intense to increase the volume and demands of the routines. I expect to see a big increase in my subjects cardiovascular endurance. They will definitely be losing those last few pounds and become the strongest version of themselves (some of them are already pressing heavy kettlebells. It makes my heart melt! 😉 ). The four day training cycle involves kettlebell swing circuits, clean and press ladders as well as body weight resistance routines. My new group trainees alike will tell you that we work HARD for our results, and those results are guaranteed as long as you follow the program design.

While my beta testers are all ready getting started on their fitness goals, you can take advantage of the opening of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh as well! I am offering a 12 session rate to kick start March off with a bang! Take advantage of this today for 12 group training sessions at $247. If any of you out there in Pittsburgh have inquiries for my kick start rate, please email me at [email protected] and I will set you up with a free consultation. I am committed to working with you and helping you achieve your fitness goals FAST! Get started today for my 12 session kick starter and get ready to go primal!
Master your instincts!