Greetings friends, family, and those that have found this incredible blog! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend and are ready to bring on another great week! My weekend was filled with a pleathora of primal fun. In today’s post, I’ll be sharing with you just how wonderful life can be when you live life “in the moment”.
Now, with that said, I want to get into some fun I had fitness wise. I tend to talk about kettlebells alot with my HKC certification in Pittsburgh just around the corner, and you can bet your booty that I DID do some kettlebell exercises this weekend. However, today I want to talk about another exercise that I truly enjoy. We call it . . .
The Pull Up.
I LOVE PULL UPS! I may actually be in love with pull ups. Because I love pull ups so much (and because I was SUPER BORED), I decided to make a video demonstrating how to properly do a pull up. There is also some time devoted to the flexed arm hang in this video. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you my “Rock Star Pull Ups”. You’ll find out why I call them that once you watch my flick!
Side note: the word “boom” is incredibly fun to use. I suggest you incorporate it into your vocabulary, especially when doing pull ups. Just sayin’ 😉 Also, if you want to learn more about pull ups, take a look at a book called “Raising the Bar” by Al Kavadlo. This guy is incredibly strong and is a pull up rockstar himself! Don’t believe me? Watch this video! You can get Al’s book and more by visitng Dragon Door’s main site as well. Now, GO BE A PULL UP ROCK STAR!
Moving right along, I was out and about Sunday afternoon and was quite famished after going to church with my friend Mr. Ben. We decided to come back to our neighborhood of the South Side and stopped at one of my favorite places to eat, The Library. I really enjoy the library because the meal options on the menu are named after literary masterpieces. Take a look at how creative their menu is here. How cool is that? They also happen to be just a few blocks from where I live, and that makes this foodie very happy. Finally, they have some paleo/primal friendly menu options. Don’t believe me? Take a look at “The Mighty Casey” salad I had below!

While out to lunch, Mr. Ben and I got to talking about the paleo diet because of A) my own success with it and B) the amazing success my other friend Zechariah is having with it as well. (more on that here). While being my quirky self in the middle of an awesome paleo discussion, the bar tender came up to me and said “Are you talking paleo?” “Why yes! I AM talking paleo!” Turns out this guy, Mr. Joe, is well educated on this diet as well. Not only that, turns out his wife is a trainer at Crossfit Athletics. Oh, and Crossfit Athletics is RIGHT DOWN THE STREET FROM WHERE I LIVE! Have I mentioned I rock at networking? I love my life!
Mr. Joe informed me that his wife was unfortunately not at The Library or Crossfit Athletics, as she was out at some wine tasting event. My remark to that of course was “God, how paleo of her to be at a wine tasting.” Mr. Joe’s witty remark to that was “Nah, if she were paleo it would be margarita’s. ” THE MAN KNOWS OF THE NORCAL MARGARITA! Oh man guys, I have made new paleo friends indeed!

By the way, if Mr. Joe’s wife is reading this, I would like to apologize for my pathetic business card (aka, the receipt of my bill). I really wanted to get the word out to you about this blog and about what I do. I want to let you know that I am a Certified Health Coach through Beyond Organic and I am actually doing some promo work coming up here in the future. Take a look at my food site and shoot me an email at [email protected]. There are some awesome products at the site and a fun business opportunity that may actually help you out with your crossfit stuff. And hey! It’s HUMID out there! I have a feeling you’re like me, and train RIDICULOUSLY HARD! Take a serious look at SueroViv! It’ll keep you hydrated and perfectly fueld for your heavy lifting days. I did a review of the stuff here! Just sayin’ 🙂
Oh! Forgot to mention that I’m on twitter! Follow me at poznaisebia!
For those of you who might want a little more information on my Health Coach certification, I want to let yinz know that I had an incredible opportnity to write for RCK Level II certified trainer, Adrienne Harvey of Please visit her blog and check out the articel I wrote for her here. It will explain everything you need to know about my certification.
Well, that about sums it up for me. Be on the look out this week for more quirky blog posts about all things primal in Pittsburgh. Remember to eat smart, train hard, and enjoy your life!
Love Always,