I am excited to announce that Primal Fitness Pittsburgh will be arranging times to schedule our very own Functional Movement Screen (FMS) at the facility. Today, I wanted to take some time to discuss what the FMS screen is, and how it can benefit you as a member of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh.
First, a little metaphor to help set the stage for the FMS system. It makes sense to take your car into the autobody shop before driving on a huge road trip from Pennsylvania to Florida (really, that’s where I want to be right now with this winter weather). We have to make sure our tires have enough pressure, our oil is checked, and that there are no other mechanical problems before a long journey across the states. This same sort of internal check up on our body is necessary prior to beginning a high volume exercise routine as well. The only question here is. . .well . . . how to we actually check up on our own bodies and screen them for proper movement patterns?
Enter ye the FMS system! The Functional Movement Screen allows us to measure movement quality. Whether we are joining dance classes, a gym, starting to run, or just trying to lose weight by doing any physical activity, the functional movement screen will help us determine if there are asymmetries in movement patterns and strength. The founder of the FMS system, Gray Cook, phrases the way we are to live quite well: “Move well, then move often”. Moving well for your training sessions here at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh is essential to your success, and we want you moving well in AND out of the gym to enhance your overall quality of life! Enjoying life. . .remember, that’s part of the mantra here at the studio 😉
So what can FMS do for you? The FMS Screen allows the capturing of our weak links – energy leaks, therefore we can predict possible injuries BEFORE they ever occur. You are as strong and efficient as your weakest link allows you to be. Movements that are looked at – reaching, stepping, squatting, lunging, leg raising, push up and rotary stability for example. . . none of these movements would be a problem for a 4 year old child. Children have the innate ability to “own” their movements well into their early years. However, as we age and meet the demands of our jobs (which often require us to sit for long hours at the office, in traffic, or just hustle and bustle as we try to manage work and family life), we find ourselves losing those innate movement patterns. How many of you struggle with that nagging neck or back pain? Do you suffer from joint discomfort? The list goes on and on. The goal of the screen is to look for an inherent flaw and provide corrective drills to bring the body back into balance.
Screening makes sense before beginning of your new any type of movement training, as much as after certain periods of training. That being said, if you are a current client at the studio and have NOT had your FMS screen, we will be scheduling times to get you all adjusted shortly. If you are NOT a member of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh and would like to scheudle your FMS screen, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. We are working to serve our clients and the Greater City of Pittsburgh by addressing this area of compromised movement and simultaneously reestablishing foundational movement patterns for added strength. It’s a win-win folks! Believe me!
Again, please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding the FMS screen and/or would like to schedule your evaluation. We look forward to working with you in the future!
Until next time. . .
Master your instincts!