I’ve got a bit of a rant today. Bare with me ninjas (if you’re following my facebook status, you’ll know why I said that ๐ )
If there is one habit I used to struggle with, it was all-or-nothing thinking. That “work out VERY HARD ALL THE TIME or don’t work out at all” attitude. That “I’m going to eat super healthy” followed by “CRAP! I messed up my diet! Guess I’ll go eat a whole cake!” type of thinking. I took me nearly a year working with Precision Nutrition to end the food end of that whole attitude with me, but I should note that the habit is long and gone (which, might I add, is a great reason to hire a coach).
This all or nothing thing. . .I wonder if this is all too common in our modern fitness world. Lately, I have been seeing a lot of this sort of crash and burn way of living from some strange, post-January syndrome, or so I like to call it. I don’t know what it is about the new year that makes people want to change their life. I get it, “new year new you” and all that jazz, but every time I do consultations at the studio this time of year, I am amazed that people want to change EVERYTHING all at once, and even within the first 30 days of being at the studio. And by “everything” I mean they want to eat super healthy and lose those 40 pounds in 1 month.
Here’s the real deal story folks. . . .
Smart eating habits take time to foster. Extreme exercise programs leave you tired, exhausted, and if not injured. Most people can only handle changing one particular habit at a time. One. Thing. At. A. Time. That’s not meant ot insult your intelligence, but we live in a world of constant distractions, tight deadlines, busy family lives and crazy work schedules. Our brains are overloaded by all of this all at once, so trust me when I say that doing things one step at a time is imperative to your success.
The studio focuses on the LESS extreme measures when it comes to overall wellness. True, kettlebells, calisthenics, and sandbag training are intense, but they are less likely to cause serious injury than other six day long cycle programs out there. In fact, should you choose to train with us, you’ll see life changing results in as little as 3, 45 minute sessions a week. Curious what it all looks like, take a look at the video below.
The same applies here for the food portion. We don’t write meal plans here. We only coach you one step at a time to make better choices. We want you to have freedom in your own lives and feel powerful, strong, and capable of eating what you need to THRIVE. Giving you a sense of Independence is our mantra, especially when it comes to eating smart.
Simply put, we like to keep it simple ๐
If you’re tired of extreme measures that have had you falling off the wagon from your new years resolution, please reach out to us at [email protected]. I will personally meet with you to discuss your fitness goals. All consultations are free. Just email us or call the studio to set it all up! I look forward to working with you soon!
Thanks for listening to my rant ๐ Until next time. . .
Master your instincts!
Janelle Pica is a certified personal trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. After having suffered through an autoimmune condition, Janelle was able to significantly improve her health by making dietary and lifestyle changes that put her condition into remission. Janelle is a dual certified kettlebell instructor through dragon door and Strong First, and she teaches calisthenics through Ground Force Method.