Well folks, the official launch date has been set for Primal Fitness Pittsburgh! I am super excited to release the start date of this amazing new fitness hub in this fantastic city! With all that in mind, I wanted to bring your attention to the official launch date of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, where to find the facility, and what you can expect in terms of the classes that will hit the North Shore of Pittsburgh Next Week!
Now, let’s get down to business shall we?
The official opening date of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh will be March 3rd, 2014. Our Beta Test Program is officially over and new group training will begin next week! Primal Fitness Pittsburgh will launch in partnership with Industrial Athletics on the North Shore of Pittsburgh! Industrial Athletics is located on the corner of Preble and Liverpool at the following address:
1501 Preble Ave. Suite 300 East (corner of Preble and Liverpool) Pittsburgh, PA 15233
If you need directions to the facility, please contact me or visit Industrial Athletics here.
Now, let’s give you all a run down on what to expect class wise when it comes to Primal Fitness Pittsburgh. Please be aware that official class names and times are yet to be finalized. Please follow the blog and our facebook page for updates on class times and schedules. Those will be released VERY SOON! For now, I will be releasing the styles of training programs you can get involved with at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh. So. . . here we go!
1. Introductory Kettlebell Basics Training. For those of you who are brand spanking new to the world of kettlebell lifting, this will serve as a great break in class to break down the most fundamental kettlebell lifts. All levels of fitness are welcome to attend this class, though this is tailored to those looking to learn fundamental movement patterns necessary for proper kettlebll lifts. Come ready to learn!
2. Kettlebell Endurance Training. Already familiar with kettlebells and ready to take your endurance to the next level? Then this class is for you! This class will be 100% kettlebell lifting routines that are structured as circuits. The intervals will keep changing as will the lifts to foster some serious cardiovascular endurance in the participants. All levels are welcome to attend this class. I must note, introductory level of kettlebell lifts is a must for this class. If you are SUPER brand new, I recommend stopping in at the basics class a few times before progression. Lifts to expect here are swings, get ups, cleans and presses, as well as squat variations.
3. Primal Move. Primal move will be a body weight only class that is based on restoring human movement patterns that are hindered from injury, excessive tension, or lack of overall movement. All levels of fitness are able to attend and no previous experience is necessary for this class. For a full description of Primal Move, please read the excerpt below from the founder of this style of training, Peter Lakatos.
“Primal Move is designed to make changes through playful, beautiful and mindful movements. Through better movement you will be able to enjoy whatever you like doing in life. We want to show you the potential we all have in us, buried deep down. Our goal is to move better through the unique mixture of unloaded and loaded mobility exercises, strength and endurance practice, while aiming to better movement at all time. Moving more is not better. Moving stronger is not better. Moving faster is not better. Moving better is better, and we aim to move stronger, more and faster when we have already mastered better.”
4. Resistance and Skills Training. This class is a hybrid class based off of body weight training, pull up bar training, and kettlebell training. That being said, this class is more for the intermediate and advanced types looking to learn the principles of strength training in an effort to increase their current level of strength. We will be covering some unique training techniques and some top secret skills that will help you unleash your superhuman potential. You may want to bring a pen and notebook to this class. Classes will begin with instruction on specific skills necessary to master more advanced body weight and kettlebell lifts. It will end with hybrid workouts combining both modalities with attention to the skills taught during that specific session. Come with a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to test your limits!
5. Kettlebell Power Training. This class will be a maximal effort class that involves heavy lifting and advanced kettlebell technique. Think snatches, military presses, heavy swings and LOTS of double kettlebell work. This will be an Olympic style lifting class using our dear friend, the kettlebell. An advanced level of fitness is required for this class as well as advanced kettlebell technique. This class is NOT for beginners and NOT for the faint at heart. That being said, for those of you who are looking for maximal power output and wish to take your strength gains to a whole new level, this class will be a perfect fit for you. Be ready to do some serious work at this class!
If any of you have questions regarding training times and how you can get involved with my instruction, please email me directly at [email protected] or call me directly at 412-980-4287. Please DO NOT call Industrial Athletics directly as they manage a separate fitness entity and will more than likely tell you to contact me directly anyway ;).
Pittsburgh, get ready to go primal! February 3rd is the launch date of Primal Fitness Pittsburgh! Let’s get this fitness party started!
Master your instincts!
Janelle Pica, RKC and Primal Move Fundamentals Instructor