I’m sorry to break it to you but there is no “best”. Many people say they best exercise is whatever you enjoy and stick with…and while I see the merit in that thinking, I do believe it needs put into context as well. You may love to stand there and do curls all day long, but that’s not really the best exercise for anything other than working your biceps. What I want to do here is help you pick the “closest to best” exercise for your goals and preferences.
Most people just want to burn calories. Whether it’s to help drop a few pounds or be able to eat that cupcake sitting in the office break room, they are just worried about the calorie burn. This is a very common train of thought and one that really leaves many choices. A common choice are the traditional forms of cardio such as running, swimming, cycling, and cardio machines. Many people find this type of exercise boring, while others view it as a great way to zone out and clear their head. One thing to be sure of is that it’s time consuming. The other thing to be sure of is that you aren’t going to build appreciable strength or muscle doing only these exercises.
Some people want to get better at a specific sport or exercise. They want to run a marathon, or increase their bench press. This is one of the easier plans to provide as it has a definitive path. There are still others who want to transform their bodies. They want more than just losing a few pounds or keep the pounds from creeping on. They want to be stronger, leaner and more athletic.
Enter KB’s & Calisthenics!
If it is calorie burn you want, then the KB swings, snatches and other movements are going to be hard to beat. When you want a change of pace, calisthenics conditioning uses full body body circuit routines to work every muscle in the body. BIG calorie burns without the boredom or huge time commitments. And the bonus, you’ll build strength while you are at it.
Even those who are training for a specific sport, need cross training. So whether you are running a marathon, play football or hit the trails on your mountain bike, KB’s & calisthenics can provide an excellent cross training alternative. Correct muscle imbalances that may creep in from repetitive use, work neglected muscles that aren’t directly used in your sport and strengthen the ones you do use to help prevent injury. We’ve already seen how our own trainer Dan increased his dead lift without doing any direct dead lift work.
Strength, power, & conditioning can all be improved with a nice blend of KB’s & calisthenics. Short & intense classes get you in and on your way to the changes you want to make. Whether you are looking to cross train as a change from your primary sport, burn some calories so you can enjoy that dessert, or you want to go full on beast mode and improve your strength and conditioning, we’ve got you covered with a program that gets it done. With a strong foundation and proper programming, you truly can exceed your goals and become a force to be reckoned with. Email us at [email protected] so you can set up a free consultation here at the studio. We offer customized programs for all of our clients to guarantee their success for the long term!
Master your Instincts!
This article was written by Ryan Williams, PCC Instructor. Ryan Williams became certified through the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT) in June 2014 and obtained his PCC in July 2014. Drawing from his own experience and PCC instruction, he now looks to guide people with their strength and fitness goals as a certified personal trainer specializing in calisthenics. To speak with Ryan directly about his training services at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, please feel free to email him at [email protected]