I know what you are thinking. Why is the kettlebell chic talking about body weight training? Don’t get me wrong, I have a serious affinity for kettlebell training and you should all know that by now, especially if you read one of my previous posts. That being said, the current plan I am on for level two work and aforementioned massive pull up involves a combination of body weight only exercises on top of light, medium, and heavier sorts of lifting routines. What I have found most interesting here is that with the addition of the body weight work, my recovery has been a lot better and. . .I have gotten ridiculously stronger for it. My tension on hollow holds, my strength on pistols, my kettlebell snatches and my pull ups.. . they are looking and feeling pretty darn amazing!
What gives? Is it all just a matter of recovery here or is there a bit more to the calisthenic side of the coin?
First, a word on one of my favorite fitness modalities, Primal Move. Primal Move is a style of body weight training that is designed to increase the mobility patterns of the individual in session through playful motions and games. Hands down, this exercise system results in not only a solid fun factor, but also as an aid to get people moving again. In my own practice at Primal Fitness Pittsburgh, I have seen dramatic strength gains from giving myself some solid mobility work. For example, my pistols have been ever more effortless just by training hip mobility. When you allow your body to set itself up for the demands of strength training, the gains are all the more amazing! In my professional opinion, nothing trains mobility better than low level calisthenic work.
Second, a word on tension. A few blog posts ago I focused on some body weight correctives for pull up mastery. That post was much more specific to lat and ab tension for obvious reasons, but it goes without saying that body weight tension training has a massive carry over to weight training. If you are able to zone in on your own tension patterns, you will be all the more primed to sustain the load of an added weight. In my case, hollow holds aid in training my massive weighted pulls. You may also find that other calisthenic work, like hand stand push ups, leads to some epic pressing power. Give it a go for yourself an report back.
Finally, the bad-ass factor. Alright, I confess that I would be lying if I said that I had absolutely no level of vanity when it comes to calisthenic training. Truth be told, it is just plain effing fun and plain effing cool to rock out to some pistol squats, one arm push ups, or in the case of Ryan Williams (our newest trainer at the facility), headstands.
Say what you want about weight training, but adding in the body weight work will make you stronger yet. If you are ready to jump right into calisthenic training, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for a free consultation. We recently launched our calisthenic training program at the facility and it has been a very big hit! Myself and Ryan would LOVE to teach you the foundational movements you need to become a force to be reckoned with! If you are interested in becoming a certified calisthenic instructor yourself, please check out these workshops here.
That’s all for today folks! Until next time. . .
Master your instincts!