Yesterday I had a conference call with someone I consider one of the most intelligent people I have ever met. We had briefly met at a business summit years ago, and said intelligent dude would go on to grow his own business consulting firm. Given the direction I am headed lately in terms of writing, […]
Serenity and Strength: A Strong Mindset Matters
It has been an exhausting week here in Pittsburgh, and I say that in reference to the past seven days here in the city. Having just returned from the first ever Serenity and Strength Retreat in Asheville, NC, I spent the majority of my week reviewing the very notes I had taken on part of […]
Mental Traps, and Pressing On Towards Your Strongest Self!
A few weeks ago I put out a feeler on facebook and asked the general public about learning what it takes to be a successful person in terms of their own training. After a series of 20 interviews that I had conducted on the phone, I came across something that struck a chord with me […]
The Narrative We Tell Ourselves Determines Our Reality
I cannot tell you how often I have heard the phrase “I am stuck” these past few weeks. As a coach, I take that to heart considering it is my job to get you where you want to be physically through eating smart and training even smarter. I can remember a coach of mine a […]
The Season for Strength
A friend of mine recently told me that change can be a very frightening thing if we don’t have support to walk through the changes in the seasons of our lives. Having worked with hundreds of clients all over the globe, I got to thinking about change, and the changes I have seen both in […]
Beaten Into Submission: External Vs Internal Negativity, and How to Break Through it All
How’s that for a mouthful of a title? What a week last week was in the life of the avid strength athlete! Yours truly travelled across the states to spend time at the Women’s Fitness Summit, and had some time to talk shop on the Motivation and Muscle Podcast with Eric Fiorillo. While I would […]
Your Greatest Priority
Lately, I have been thinking about obstacles, or perhaps I should say re-thinking them. I am not sure if this has something to do with the fact that I signed up for both Battlefrog Pittsburgh and the wild Spartan Sprint this year, or because I recently received a memo from a friend about her own […]
Take Action and Cherish The Day TODAY!
I found myself sitting in the pews of Saint Peter’s Parish on the North Shore of Pittsburgh. It has been a long time since I had found myself in a Church, and I blame that mostly on the complete upheaval and restructuring of my own business. Life is so much better now that all that […]
At YOUR Command- Faith, Fitness, and Achieving That Which You Wish to Become
Nerd Alert: What you are about to read has a lot to do with philosophy, psychology, and the connection those two things have on your very own health. I have found myself reading more and more dense philosophical works lately, and I blame that mostly on the fact that I have a knack for such […]